Do you need a bookkeeper?
- You need one when you start a business. A bookkeeper can be priceless to get you started on the right path and keep you from getting into trouble with the state and federal governments.
- Do you know how to do bookkeeping?
- Is your banker asking for reports you don't know anything about?
- Do you know how to read a Profit and Loss statement
- Do you know the financial health of your business?
- Are you familiar with payroll and reporting procedures?
- Do you know how to submit Workers' Comp paperwork?
- Do you know how to handle an unemployment claim dispute?
Efficiency and Convenience
- Are you losing profits doing your own bookkeeping instead of running your business? A good bookkeeper can do the books faster and more efficiently since that is where his/her experience lies. What may take a lay person two hours an experienced bookkeeper can do in less than one.
- Do you dread sitting down to do your books?
- Are you spending more time doing books and less time doing your business?